What are we Waiting For?

What are we Waiting For?

Advent is here and in full swing. You don’t have to drive down Poplar Ave more than once to realize that Christmas is coming. In fact, every year the signs of Christmas appear earlier and earlier. They know that the earlier we start shopping, the more we can spend. While the Christmas season is apparent, I often wonder if most people are aware of the time many Christians call Advent. It’s easy sometimes to get stuck in my minister or Christian bubble not realize there are some things we do or celebrate most people outside the church don’t think about. I wonder if Advent is one of those things. To be honest, I have to stop and reflect each year to make sure I understand and emphasize the right things during Advent.

Prodigal Generosity

If you are familiar with the parables taught by Jesus, you are most likely familiar with the word "prodigal".(see Luke 15:11-32) While the word prodigal is actually never used in scripture, it is often used as a title for the parable often referred to as "The Prodigal Son" about a father and his two sons . In the story the younger son asks his father for an early lump sum payment of what would be his inheritance so he could leave and live independently of his family and the older son remained home and faithful to his responsibilities. Of course, the son who left fell into a spiral of selfishness and excessive living soon to find himself with nothing and nobody (so he thought).

Ready For Vacation!

Ready For Vacation!

Greetings from my day before vacation!!! When you read this I will be on the beach for a week of rest with my family I have been eagerly waiting for. Normally on this month of the summer I just cut and paste something to put here in the name of Summer slowdown. Instead, there is something I read that has been resonating with me quite a bit for the last month or so. It basically was a challenge to take a close look at how I rest and why I rest.

Believing Thomas and victorious Bill Buckner

Believing Thomas and victorious Bill Buckner

This last Sunday morning I referenced a former baseball player, Bill Buckner, in my sermon.

Unfortunately, Bill Buckner was most famous for an error he made on the baseball field during game 6 of the 1986 World Series.  This error contributed to the Red Sox losing that game. The Red Sox would go on to lose the series to the Mets.  Bill Buckner would never be able to escape the shadow of that one play.  His entire baseball career would be defined by most people only by his one error.

Enduring Silent Saturday

Enduring Silent Saturday

The darkness that came over the day on Good Friday has faded into the darkness of night.  There is very little recorded about the Saturday that lies between the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection.  I can't imagine Mary his mother, his friends, and his disciples slept much that night.  Although Jesus said he would rise from the dead on the third day, it doesn't seem like they really understood that to be a promise of an actual resurrection.